Saturday, May 23, 2015

Write of Way

Author's note: Where have I been? Sorry for the inconvenience of taking a few weeks off, but it looks like nobody missed me... Yeah, I had a break down. Nobody comments on my blog. Not that they hey! Come one people! Anyway, lets talk about what books to read. There are tons.
                                                                                                                                        --Jim Blow

How can you decide what book to read? There are sso many! There are over 129,864,880 books in the world! How can you decide which one to read. Lucky for you, there's a code!

Jim Blow's Guide to Deciding What to Read. or JBGDW

1. What's the cover like?
People say to never judge a book by its cover, but that's a lie. Every time you grab the book, you'll see that cover. What thoughts will it arise in your mind? Do you really want that?

2. Is it an intriguing title?
Lame titles make you gag. You don't want to be seen reading something stupid. When people ask you what you are reading, what are you going to say? Uh huh.

3. How are the illustrations?
First off, do you want illustrations? Next, if there are illustrations, are they well done. How frequently do they show up throughout the book? Remember, pictures of scenes/people may enter your brain. It limits your creativity. No longer will you imagine the character how you wanted to, but now you see them as the illustrator saw them. (Movies have the same effect).

4. Who wrote it?
Some authors, frankly, just can't write. They really are awful at it. If the illustrations, cover, and title are excellent, great! Who wrote it? If it's the author of another book you read--one you hated--do you really want to read this one?

5. How long is it?
Are you in the mood for an hour-long read, or a month-long? How fast can you read? This is important to look at. If your book report is due in a week, don't check out a book that will take you a year to finish.

6. Is there a movie?
Have you seen the film-version? Not much can be judged from the movie. If the movie is awful, the book could be good. Or vice versa. If you saw the movie, the actors will be how you picture the characters in the book.

7. What's on the first page?
Take a peek into the first couple pages. You should get hooked on it. Is the opening interesting, or boring? Likely, the first page or so will give you a feeling for the author's writing style, and what the book will be like.

8. How's the author's bio?
Flip to the back cover of the book, inside flap. There should be a picture of the author, and a short biography about him. Read it. Did he write it personally? Or did somebody else? Now ask yourself if it's funny, or if there is something in there that catches your attention, like where he grew up.

9. What's the book about?
Another way to find out what the book is about is to flip to the inside of the front cover. A short synopsis can be found here. Spoilers. Does the plot sound entertaining?

10. Is it a pop-up?
Now ask yourself if it is a pop-up book. If it is, disregard rules 1-9. Read the book no matter what. It's a pop-up for crying out loud! Awesome.

11. THE UNWRITTEN RULE, which I'm writing down so...
If the ten rules are too much to remember, and you don't actually care, follow my one solid guideline. Only read Jim Blow's stuff.

Just remember, when trying to decide what to read, there's a system about it. Some books take priority over others.

Saturday, May 2, 2015


"There is a Blog Break this week. We apologize for the inconvenience to the saturday specials. Jim Blow took the day off to go see the new Avengers movie, and ended up spending the day googling upcoming Marvel/DC movies instead of writing to his fans. He is very self-centered and only cares about what he wants to do. Today, he wanted to look up movies. Sorry, but when we asked--begged--him to write on his blog, all he would say was 'Did you know they're making a [marvel movie, marvel movie, easter egg, secret, spoiler, marvel movie, dc movie, dc movie, etc, etc.]'. Sorry. See you next week!"
--The Reoccurring
(Jim Blow's Editors who have his back...and may be appearing in an upcoming book.)

Jim's Favorite Quotes (or at least some of them):

“Beneath the rule of men entirely great, the pen is mightier than the sword.”
--Edward George Bulwer Lytton
I love to write, and it has often occurred to me that in my writings, anything can happen. Through story, I have a sort of power to an extent. That is why, when I found this quote, I loved it. This quote puts things perfectly! In addition, more can be accomplished through writing, than through fighting. War is done by sword, but peace is done by pen.

Happiness does not depend on outward things, but on the way we see them.
--Leo Tolstoy
Each and every mood is a choice. We choose to be happy, and we choose to be sad. This quote is meaningful to me because that’s what it expresses. It says that we don’t just get to be happy when things around us are going well. Instead, we can be happy if we merely choose a better perspective!

Action may not always bring happiness, but there is no happiness without action.
--Benjamin Disraeli
There is always an effect to a cause. Everything we do brings about a result. For everything we do, something comes of it. Not all of our actions will bring about a positive result. However, if we don’t act at all, there will never be a chance of positive impact.

Faithless is he that says farewell when the road darkens.
--JRR Tolkien
Real friends stay with us until the end. There will always be trials for us. In those dark times of need, we must have someone to rely on. Those who can’t be there for us, will take off when trials come at us like tsunamis. We need people who will stand at our sides when those storms hit.

He who is not contented with what he has, would not be contented with what he would like to have.
People always want more. They can never truly be content with what they have, when there is something they don’t have. Even if they get that stuff they don’t have, they’ll still have an unhealthy desire to want more. We need to learn to be content, and thankful for what we do have, and not angry that we don’t have what we don’t.

Logic will get you from A to B.  Imagination will take you everywhere.
--Albert Einstein
In modern society, people do things very systematically. They’re almost like drones. We must get back to our lives. To our imagination. Doing things logically--never taking risks or chances with adventure--can only bring us so far. Imagination will take us wherever we want to go. We just have to let go, and be willing.

“Anger is the feeling that makes your mouth work faster than your mind.”
--Evan Esar
When in an angry state of mind--something we choose to be in--we aren’t very in control. It is at these times we say things we regret, and do things we did not mean to do. While we are angry, we say things we don’t mean, and we say a lot. We need to stay in control, choosing to be happy, despite the seemingly upsetting situation. A wise man is he who never has to apologize for things he said.

“Be kind, for everyone you meet is facing a harder battle.”
People have a strange tendency to be selfish. They only ever care about themselves. Nobody could ever understand the pain they go through, because everyone else obviously has it easier. That is not true! We need to be kind to everyone, because it would surprise you how much harder their battles are, than yours.

“Quiet people have the loudest minds.”
--Stephen Hawking
Those who stay quiet are constantly thinking. There is so much going on in their heads. Extroverted people express everything that goes on in their mind. They can say so much, without ever saying very much at all.

“You can never build your happiness on someone else’s unhappiness.”
--Jeffrey R Holland
Some believe that the only way to achieve their own happiness, is at the expense of another’s happiness. This will never work. If you make someone unhappy, in the hopes of making yourself happy, in the end you will be more unhappy than they. Happiness is a choice. Attempting to strip somebody else of this joyous feeling is just wrong. It is a wrong that will haunt your own happiness forever.


Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.
--Thomas Edison

“Don’t worry about what I’m doing. Worry about why you’re worrying about what I’m doing.”